Saturday, October 18, 2008

Georgia's Places in Peril 2009

The Crum & Forster is among a list of ten Places in Peril across the state of Georgia identified by The Georgia Trust.

In recognition of these historically significant buildings, a reception will be held on October 28, 2008, 6-8 p.m. at Rhodes Hall in Atlanta. Please attend and find out how you can help save Georgia's most imperiled places.


Anonymous said...

i am in york, england i am amazed that such a building could go . are you MAD? from Maggie

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that the tile roof of this building has been opened up recently to allow demolition by neglect?! If we ever get rain again, this building will be history...

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to draop a line to let you know concern is growing...

Kurt Luther said...

What's the status of this building? Haven't heard anything in a while.